BV 8: 35 issues of The Salem Register 1806

July 14 Chinese women longevity - in Canton, 3453 women are over 100

July 21 Discoveries in Louisiana by Lewis, Clark, Dr. Sibley and Dunbar

July 24 Stop criticizing Jefferson - "Was our Union ever more happy?"

July 27 Americans riot at London docks / Webster's Dictionary

Aug. 4 Negro burned at the stake for murdering mistress

Aug. 11 Wilberforce wants America to join Britain in abolishing slave trade

Aug. 14 "It is not that we have advanced as far as possible"

Aug. 18 Pope may resign / France extends influence to Constantinople

Aug. 21 Napoleon's decree concerning the Jews / Italian Sea battle

Aug. 28 Paul, Emperor of Russia, is assassinated / Public Schools

Sept. 1 Powder house blows up / Indians use slaves for farming

Sept. 4 Pirates are executed / Dr. Priestly's funeral oration

Sept. 8 Bathing is healthy / Bitter party strife in New-England

Sept. 11 Non-Importation Act against Britain / New lifeboats not used

Sept. 15 "Jefferson's Dignified Silence" / Blacks send petition to Congress

Sept. 18 "Religion heightens the pleasures of life" / Indian barbarity

Sept. 25 William and Mary College is starting an academy for females

Sept. 29 New Lt. Governor Francis Gore in Upper Canada / Louisiana explored

Oct. 2 Florida grows good coffee / Burr conspiracy / Mail robbers caught

Oct. 6 United States Naval Power / Last slave trader ship leaves London

Oct. 9 Libel cases / Federalism is now wrecked / Mr. Holyoke's concert

Oct. 13 Description of lands on the Piscataquix River in Maine / Pope is ill

Oct. 16 No American involvement in European affairs / Cigar smoking bad

Oct. 20 Napoleon agrees to Jewish Assembly / Accidental gun shot fatal

Nov. 6 Nelson's body now in London / Lewis returns to St. Louis

Nov. 17 Lewis and Clark's report / Talleyrand now a Duke / Do's and Don'ts

Nov. 20 Detailed account of the massacre in St. Domingo last May

Nov. 27 Federalism defined / Prime Minister Fox is dead / No peace

Dec. 1 Crew massacred by Malays / Most newspapers are Democratic

Dec. 4 In Ireland, bride drinks poison when she can't marry her lover

Dec. 8 Proclamation against western military enterprise / Burr indicted

Dec. 11 Burr is laughed at / Duties of a faithful Hindu widow

Dec. 15 French fighting the Prussians / Wife outwits merchant husband

Dec. 18 Decisive Jena battle, French in Berlin / Western States for union

Dec. 22 Prussia's fate decided at Jena, three Queens nearby

For questions, please contact Dr. Doug Cumming.