Poll Everywhere FAQ


What is Poll Everywhere?

Poll Everywhere is an online polling service that lets you engage your class in real time with interactive polls accessible via mobile devices or web browsers. Create and customize your own in-class polls, present them in class as interactive presentation elements, and allow your students to respond via web access or text message.

How do I access it?

Faculty can access Poll Everywhere directly from https://myapps.wlu.edu.  Students who need to register for a class using Poll Everywhere may do so by navigating to https://myapps.wlu.edu and clicking "Add Apps" on the left side of the screen.  Locate Poll Everywhere in the resulting list and click "Add" next to it.  

How do I find additional help or support?

For all other questions and to arrange training for yourself or your department, contact the ITS Information Desk in Leyburn Library at (540) 458-4357 (HELP) or by sending an email to help@wlu.edu. You may also find the Poll Everywhere Instructor Guide helpful, as well as the Poll Everywhere Support Center.