Development Compliance Calendar Washington and Lee University Annual Calendar of Significant Reporting Compliance Activities


Higher Education Act Disclosure of Foreign Gifts/Contracts1

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Higher Education Act Disclosure of Foreign Gifts/Contracts1

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1Higher Education Act of 1965 and Higher Education Amendments of 1998
(Disclosure Requirements on Foreign Source Interests)
By January and July 31 of each year, a postsecondary institution must file a disclosure report about ownership or control by, or contracts with or gifts from foreign sources. The institution must make the disclosure by January 31 for the prior year July 1 to December 31, and by July 31 for the immediately preceding January 1 to June 30 period.

Gifts and contracts of $250,000 or more (individual or in combination with other gifts from and/or contracts with the same foreign source) received or contracted within a calendar year must be reported to the Department of Education. This report must also be made available to the public during regular business hours (20 U.S.C. §1011f(e)). This disclosure report should contain the dollar amount of gifts received from and/or contracts entered into with a foreign source other than a foreign government, the amount of gifts received from or contracts entered into with a foreign government, and if the U.S. institution is owned or controlled by a foreign source, the identity of the foreign source, the date the foreign source gained ownership or control, and institutional program or structural changes that took place as a result of the change in ownership or control.

If a restricted or conditional gift and/or contract is received by an institution, the following must also be disclosed: 1) the amount, date, and description of the conditions and restrictions for gifts received from and/or contracts entered into with a foreign source (other than a foreign government) as well as country of citizenship and country of incorporation; and 2) the amount, date, description of conditions and restrictions, name of foreign governments for gifts received from and/or contracts entered into with a foreign government.

A "foreign source" is defined as: 1) a foreign government, or agency of a foreign government; 2) a legal entity, governmental or otherwise, created solely under the laws of a foreign state or states; 3) an individual who is not a citizen or national of the United States or a trust territory or protectorate thereof; and/or 4) an agent, including a subsidiary or affiliate of a foreign legal entity, acting on behalf of a foreign source.