Post Award Management

Initiation of Projects

CFR has a Post Award Grant Manual to assist faculty with grant management. In addition to reviewing the manual, it is important to keep these things in mind:

Upon receipt of a grant, the Principal Investigator (PI) shall promptly schedule a post award meeting with the Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations. PIs should brng the following to the meeting:

  • A copy of the signed award letter
  • A copy of the project budget
  • Any other applicable financial information pertaining to the grant
  • A copy of any legal obligations imposed on the university

Upon receipt of this information, the Business Office will establish the project in the Workday accounting system and send the PI a W&L account number for the grant. CFR will send a copy of any legal mandates to the Office of the General Counsel.


In hiring, managing, paying, evaluating and terminating employees, PIs must work within the university personnel policies and confer and cooperate with Human Resources in all matters related to personnel. Please keep in mind that project personnel are employees of the university, making the university legally responsible for meeting federal and state laws and regulations governing all aspects of employment. Management also includes the training and supervision of any relevant project personnel about those matters that are appropriate for each employee to know and to follow.

Project Changes

If PIs find that any changes are necessary during the conduct of the funded project, such as budget, scope of work, key personnel and /or language change, please contact the Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations immediately. Institutional grantees are required to have written procedures in place for reviewing and approving in advance proposed project changes. Further, many federal funding agencies require prior written approval for amendments, and in many cases, the agency requires submission of amendments (language or budget changes) or time extensions 30-45 days prior to the end of the project.

As a result, you will need to confirm permission before implementing any changes and the new changes and confirm that expenditures are consistent with the terms and conditions of the award, any changes do not constitute a change in the scope of the project, and any budget modification is necessary and reasonable for the accomplishment of project objectives and is allowable under any relevant cost principles.


Principal Investigators are responsible for preparing and submitting all programmatic reports or information needed by the funding agency and to complete required financial reports required by the contract or grant on a timely basis. The Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations is available to review and mail reports and assist with submission as needed.

Newsletter, Website, Public Communication

The Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations promotes the achievements of university faculty and their students on this website. Faculty should provide details on funded projects to CFR in a timely manner.

The university welcomes publicity on grant activities. PIs are encouraged to send information on grant successes to CFR.  We will pass on your news to the Office of Communications and Public Affairs (CPA). As appropriate, CPA will contact faculty for additional details regarding specific projects.

Record Retention

Financial records, supporting documentation, statistical records, and all other records pertinent to the grant shall be retained by the grantee for five years from the date of submission of the final Financial Status Report. When the conditions of a grant award require the grantee to report program income, records relating to program income shall be retained for five years from the date of submission of the last required income report.

If the five-year retention period is extended because of audits, appeals, litigation, or the settlement of claims arising out of the performance of the project, the records shall be retained until such audits, appeals, litigation, or claims are resolved. Unless court action or audit proceedings have been initiated, the grantee may substitute digital copies of original records.