Faculty and Staff
Matt Tuchler
Head of the Chemistry and Biochemistry Department; Associate Professor of Chemistry
- Science Addition A327
- Email: tuchlerm@wlu.edu
- Phone: 540-458-8029
Tuchler teaches many upper-level physical chemistry courses. His research group developed a technique to measure the equilibrium constant as a function of temperature for any gas phase equilibrium of the form.
Andrea Abry
Instructor of Chemistry/Supervisor of Labs
- Parmly 310
- Email: abrya@wlu.edu
- Phone: 540-458-8163
Abry teaches General Chemistry, Disorder and Chaos, and Aqueous Inorganic Quantitative Chemistry.
Indunil Alahakoon
Visiting Assistant Professor of Chemistry
- Science Addition A329
- Email: ialahakoon@wlu.edu
- Phone: 540-458-8927
Lisa Alty
John T. Herwick, M.D. Professor of Chemistry
- Science Addition A329
- Email: altyl@wlu.edu
- Phone: 540-458-8927
Alty teaches courses in upper-level chemistry, primarily organic. Her research focuses on laboratory instruction in chemistry.
Connell Cunningham
Visiting Assistant Professor of Chemistry
- Parmly 312
- Email: ccunningham@wlu.edu
- Phone: 540-458-4854
Steve Desjardins
Professor of Chemistry
- Science Addition A330B
- Email: desjardins@wlu.edu
- Phone: 540-458-8873
Desjardins teaches courses in general and physical chemistry. His research interests include statistical mechanics, nonlinear dynamics, and chemical kinetics.
Kyle Friend
Associate Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry
- Science Addition A427
- Email: friendk@wlu.edu
- Phone: 540-458-8616
Kyle Friend teaches courses on genetic engineering and biochemistry at all levels. His research uses mouse embryonic stem cells to investigate how mRNA translation and stability are regulated as stem cells differentiate into other cell types.
Erin Gray
Assistant Professor of Chemistry
- Science Addition A413
- Email: egray@wlu.edu
- Phone: 540-458-4867
Erin Gray teaches organic chemistry, and her research seeks to employ synthetic organic chemistry to answer unsolved questions in biology. She designs new catalytic transformations for the synthesis of complex molecules, with the goal of using these reactions to label and study biomolecules.
Sarah Kim
Assistant Professor of Chemistry
- Science Addition A429
- Email: skim2@wlu.edu
- Phone: 540-458-4850
Fred LaRiviere
Associate Dean of the College; Associate Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry
- Simpson House
- Email: larivieref@wlu.edu
- Phone: 540-458-8746
LaRiviere’s courses include Teaching Inquiry in the Local Schools, Mechanisms of Cancer and Advanced Biochemistry. Each summer, he also supervises a number of research students.
Michael A. Pleva
Emeritus Professor of Chemistry
- Science Addition A330A
- Email: plevam@wlu.edu
- Phone: 540-458-8822
Donna Smith
Instructor of Chemistry
- Parmly 308
- Email: smithdm@wlu.edu
- Phone: 540-458-8343
Smith teaches Organic Chemistry and Spectroscopic Methods.
Erich Uffelman
Bentley Professor of Chemistry
- Science Addition A313
- Email: uffelmane@wlu.edu
- Phone: 540-458-8040
Uffelman teaches courses in upper-level inorganic chemistry. He also teaches courses that overlap with the Art and Art History Department, such as Science in Art. Uffelman regularly supervises summer research students.
Philip Trimmer
Senior Chemistry Technical Manager, CHO, RSO
- Science Addition AB03
- Email: trimmerp@wlu.edu
- Phone: 540-458-8877
Philip is both a Chemical Hygiene Officer and Radiation Safety Officer.
Chemistry and Biochemistry Department
Department Info
- P: 540-458-8872
Science Addition
Washington and Lee University
Lexington, Virginia 24450