LinkedIn and Online Presence

LinkedIn is the world's largest professional networking platform that connects employers and job seekers across the globe. For those headed to graduate school, it can also help you open even more opportunities once you obtain your advanced degree. LinkedIn is an essential part of your career journey, and the free version is robust enough to meet your professional needs.

A strong online presence makes it easy for employers to have additional avenues to search and assess you as a potential candidate. With social media as a crucial part of your professional presence, it's important to understand how to use LinkedIn and other platforms to your benefit. Questions about your online presence? Schedule an appointment with a Career Advisor or Career Fellow through Handshake.

Create a LinkedIn Profile

A strong LinkedIn profile is the first step to building an effective and engaged network. Check out CPD's LinkedIn resources and follow our step-by-step guide to create an effective profile and expand your network. Already have a profile and want to improve? Check out CPD's LinkedIn Rubric to take it to the next level.

Clean Up Your Online Image

Your online image is as much a reflection of you as a resume or interview. Learn how to clean up your profile and to leverage social media to develop your online brand, helping you secure internships and jobs.

Leverage LinkedIn and Twitter

Social media sites like LinkedIn and Twitter offer unique opportunities to develop your online brand, as well as connect with professionals and search for internships and jobs. CPD can help you learn how to leverage social media to develop and promote your skills and experience