Certified Electronic Credential (CeDiploma/CeCertificate)

Washington and Lee University now offers Certified Electronic Credentials (CeCredential).

Key Benefits:

  • More than a paper document. An official, portable, and verifiable electronic version of your accomplishment that can be shared for a lifetime!
  • The CeCredential contains your 12-digit Certified Electronic Document Identifier (CeDID). Using Validation Services your CeDID is the key to your degree information for employers, agencies, and more.
  • Provide your CeDID and the Washington and Lee CeCredential Validation URL to highlight your achievement and expedite the degree verification process.
  • Unlimited digital sharing with family, friends, employers, and government or international agencies.

W&L CeDiploma example

Highly Secure:

  • The CeCredential can be independently validated through the University website by future employers, government licensing agencies, and any other entity that wishes to validate your degree or other credential.
  • The document is digitally signed and encrypted so that it is trusted and more readily accepted.

For More Information:

Visit the CeCredential Trust website for more information.

CeCredential validation example below:

Diplomas validation example