For Saturday, September 2 September 1, 2023


Congratulations on completing Leading Edge!

We look forward to seeing you at the Leading Edge Cookout tonight (Friday) at 6pm on Cannan Green. Go check out the first Friday Underground (FUDG) of the year from 8pm-Midnight at ARC House - a student organized, coffee house setting with live entertainment.

Several optional Saturday activities provide opportunities to relax, have fun, and meet new people. FYOC is facilitating speed friending from 11-11:45am on front campus. Then take a group of new friends to complete the University history scavenger hunt, grab lunch together, and go watch the first home football game; or head back to front campus for tie dye, intramurals, and more.

The Office of Institutional History organized a scavenger hunt around campus and will be in Elrod Commons Atrium between 11:30am-1:30pm, or you can begin by accessing the link here:

If your class t-shirt is dirty, you may want to do laundry as you'll need your class shirt for the Sunday class photo.

FYOC is providing a student panel from 5-6pm in Stackhouse to hear directly from upper-division students before grabbing dinner.

Follow your RAs instructions for where and when to gather and get dressed up with your hall for FY Olympics on Wilson Field from 8-9:30pm under the lights!

The full orientation schedule is on the FYE website.
