Congratulations and Welcome from the Office of Student Affairs December 2022 - May 2023

Dear Student, 

Welcome to the Class of 2027 at W&L! As the First-Year Experience (FYE) team, we are here to help you from now until your sophomore year. Our office includes:

Jason Rodocker - Associate Dean of Students and Dean for First-Year Experience
Ronda Bryant - Associate Dean of Students
Kim Hodge - Assistant Dean of Students
Mariel Potter - Student Affairs Operations and First-Year Coordinator

We will guide you through the process of joining our community and answer any questions you might have regarding academic, co-curricular, or other matters.

What's Next?

Please refer to the enrollment checklist in your admission portal account to make sure you complete all steps required by the Office of Admissions to finalize your eligibility to enroll.

Onboarding will begin in early April when you will receive a detailed email with instructions and a mailing with a summer timeline. The mailing and follow-up communications will answer many questions and guide you through your transition.

For now, you should read carefully through the FYE website at Please note the "my" in "" takes you to the university's internal website with significantly more resources for current students.

Looking Ahead

Important dates to mark on your calendar include:

Some common points of interest include:

A Final and Important Note

We encourage you to share this information with your parents and family and to take ownership of your educational experience. You should consult your parents and family regularly, but we prefer to hear questions directly from you, the student. Please let us know if you have questions at any time. If you are ever in doubt of who to contact or how to proceed, please ask us. Welcome to W&L!


Jason Rodocker
Associate Dean of Students &
Dean for First-Year Experience
(540) 458-8753

Ronda Bryant
Associate Dean of Students
(540) 458-4111

Kim Hodge
Assistant Dean of Students
(540) 458-4041