Honors Thesis

Sociology and Anthropology majors qualify for writing an Honors Thesis if their major grade point average is at least 3.7. Please talk to a specific professor with whom you would like to work as your thesis advisor to work out the details of the project.  We also suggest you talk to a specific professor with whom you would like to work as your thesis advisor. The courses listed for Honors Thesis are Anthropology 493 (3 credits in the fall, 3 credits in the winter) and Sociology 493 (3 credits in the fall, 3 credits in the winter).

Honors thesis writers should submit a formal proposal by the end of September. This proposal should clearly outline the main question(s) of the thesis; identify the core literature to be consulted; discuss the data to be acquired and analyzed and the methods proposed; and include a basic timeline for key tasks.

A complete draft of the thesis should be made available to both readers with sufficient time for them to comment substantively on it prior to the final revisions. The final manuscript should be distributed to the other faculty readers at least a week before the defense.