Foreign Language FDR in Romance Languages

One of the Foundation and Distribution Requirements (FDR) at Washington and Lee is proficiency in a foreign language (FL). Romance Languages offers coursework towards language proficiency in French, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese. For guidance on placement into one of these four languages and the path toward completion of the FL FDR, follow the flow chart.

Language learning in college should go well beyond the proficiency reflected in the FL FDR. Romance Languages offers majors in French and Spanish, a minor in French, and a Romance Languages major that encompasses advanced proficiency in two Romance languages, and in which French or Spanish may be combined with another Romance language, such as French and Italian, Spanish and Portuguese, or French and Spanish. Advanced courses in all four languages enable these combinations.

Romance Languages is affiliated with study abroad programs in most of Spanish America, Portuguese-speaking Brazil, Italy, Spain and France. An extended study abroad experience sets students on the road to linguistic and cultural fluency and is strongly encouraged by our faculty. Through Romance Languages students can prepare for success in a world of expanding opportunities and enrichment.